Shower Details

I feel like it was just December in between a dentist appointment & going to the allergists that we found out we were pregnant! I remember that day like it was yesterday – yelling across the house to Kenny, and us calling my cousin in sheer shock lol.

These past few months have honestly passed by in a blink of an eye / ITS INSANE! Taking a cruise, planning a gender reveal, baby registry, work & our mini Disney trip… Before I knew it, it was baby shower day and Kenny’s mom was in town for the weekend. We did our shower at the one and only deliciousness of Finka in their private patio area. Our menu consisted of their amazing Islas Canarias croquetas, Vaca frita tostones, Vaca frita pizza, Churrasco with sweet potato mash and I had to spoil my favorite babes with fountains of Moscow Mules & their Hit me baby one more thyme (Yes you can say I was jealous, as I’m there drinking a mock tail lol). The aftermath of the shower was getting everything organized and washed, one thing I didn’t realize was how long it would take us to do it all – 1 week exactly! I leave you here with some of my favorite shower details.