All Things Meal.

Now that Hannah is eating the same food we are it makes it easy & at the same time difficult. Easy because we don’t need to cook 2 different meals. Difficult because now WE HAVE TO COOK! lol

Starting next week I will be doing weekly posts of what I cook for Hannah! So to start this off here is a little intro of how we’ve begun our solids transition!

Since Hannah started eating solids my biggest worry was giving her too much fruit, or too little veggies, not enough protein, too much protein! What about dairy? She still gets her 3 bottles a day.. do I give her yogurt also? I swear its like starting all over again with a schedule.. but now prepping meals!

  1. I always implement a fat in all her meals – for breakfast we do 1 spoon of peanut or almond butter in her oatmeal. For Lunch & Dinner our go to is coconut oil or olive oil. I still do small batches of Puree for emergency situations lol, and I also add coconut oil or some olive oil in there! If I feel she won’t be getting enough fat from a meal I am serving (chicken breast, ground turkey), I give her avocado with the meal.
  2. Protein: Hannahs favorite is flounder and ground beef! Since those are on the juicy and soft side she likes to eat those alone. Chicken & ground turkey I usually do in puree, pasta dishes or with mashed sweet potato, and mixed together with soft veggies.
  3. Veggies: I do need to be more consistent with adding more veggies to her dinner meals (maybe this will make Kenny & I start eating them too lol) But We do one big pot for her batches of puree! Peas, corn, green beans, sweet potato, yuca, malanga, chicken/turkey, broccoli, cauliflower, pumpkin, spinach, mushrooms, onion, garlic and LOVE. We always like having a freezer batch of puree incase I don’t have time the next day to make lunch or if there are no leftovers from the night before!
  4. Fruit: Baby girl LOVES her fruit… We offer her fruits at every meal, she loves her blueberries, grapes, strawberries, raspberries, kiwi!

On the Go Pouches: The brand that I buy for Pouches whenever I am running errands is Sprout Organic Baby Food & if on sale Plum Organic. My Number 1 is SPROUT. They have pouches with plant based protein which I love, they also do broth protein, and hearty protein certified organic and free range! The hearty protein I was a bit hesitant to buy because I mean its meat.. in a pouch?! but did end up purchasing a few for a cruise trip we took her on and she really liked the meat & turkey.

Most pouches Ive realized have anywhere from 10g-16g of sugar for one 4oz pack. So I like to stay below the 8g of sugar mark if it is a fruit based pouch (I use these sometimes in her breakfast oatmeal) & when on the go I stay below 3g of sugar per pouch. Trying to UP the veggies and protein.

Snacks: Were not so much on the snack routine yet, once we drop another bottle I’m sure I will need to come up with more ideas lol. But for now She does munch on Gerber Organic yogurt melts & the puffs while we are out or while I am preparing her lunch/dinner!